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1. The most common cause of intestinal obstruction is:
A. Adhesions
B. Hernia
C. Volvulus
D. Neoplasms

2.Apical pulse is is taken by placing the diaphragm of the stethescope at the area of
A. Right atrium
B. Right ventricle
C. Pulmonic valve
D. Mitral area

3. Which of the following beverages can be included in the menu of a patient with myocardial infarction?
A. Coffee
B. Tea
C. Cola
D. Lemonade

4.A patient is undergoing cardiac catheterization. Which of the following sensations reported by the patient during the procedure has the highest priority?
A. Pressure at the insertion site
B. Urge to cough
C. Warm, flushed feeling
D. Chest pain

5. Bruce protocol is related to:
B. Echocardiaogram
C. Angiogram
D. Exercise ECG test

6. Intraaortic baloon pump therapy is most often used in the management of:
A. Congestive cardiac failure
B. Cardiogenic shock
C. Pulmonary edema
D. Aortic insufficiency

7. Which of tthe following listed assessment finding is typical of cardiac tamponade?
A. A pulse rate of 60 per minute
B. Flat neck veins
C. Muffed or distant heart sounds
D. A pulse pressure of 18/82 mmHg

8.Standard management for a patient with deep vein thrombosis includes:
A. Maintain affected limb in the dependent position
B. Apply cool packs to the affected leg for 20 minutes every 4 hours
C. Administer narcotic analgesic every 4 hours around the clock
D. Maintain bed rest

9.The type of ulcer which is deep, pale and surrounded by a tissue which is cool to touch is :
A. Venous stasis ulcer
B. Arterial ulcer
C. Stage 1 ulcer
D. Vascular ulcer

10.The American Heart Association recommended energy dose for defibrillation in ventricular fibrillation using a biphasic defibrillator is;
A. 200 J
B. 400 J


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