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Showing posts with label staff nurse model questions on vital signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label staff nurse model questions on vital signs. Show all posts

Staff Nurse Model questions on Vital Signs

Staff Nurse Model questions on Vital signs

01.To convert Fahrenheit scale to celsicus scale C = ( F-32) × 5/9.
02.Increased activity of the Thyroid gland & adrenal gland raise the body temperature.

03. Fever is not disease but it is a sign.

04. Observation is based as an one’s Knowledge, Interest, Attension.
05. Percussion & Auscultation are procedure which dependent open the production of sound.
06. Temperature, Pulse, Respiration, & Blood pressure are called the vital signs.
07. The normal respiration is 16 b/min in adults.
08. A physical regulation by loss at heat is called as Thermolysis.
09.1 gm of protein give 4 Calories of heat.
10.  gm of fat give 9 Calories of heat.
11. Apnoea means Total cessation of breathing.
12. A diastolic pressure is above 90mm/Hg is considered abnormal.
13. Increased respiratory rate occur 24 breaths per / mt.

14. A chemical regulation by the production of heat is called as Thermogensis.
15.The temperature falls below 95oF the condition called Hypothermia.
16. Anoxia means Lack of oxygen in tissues.
17. Anoxaemia means Lack of oxygen in blood.

18. A systolic pressure above 150 or or below 90 is regarded as abnormal.
19. Decreased respiratory rate less than 10 breaths/mints.
20.Volume refers to the Fullness of artery.
21. Respiration is the Act of breathing.
22. Dysponea means Difficulty in breathing.
23. The normal pulse in adults is 72 beats/mint.
24. Insepection means inspection.
25. Palpation is the art of feeling with the Hand.
26.Specific dyanamic action of proteins 30%.
27.1 gm CHO give 4 calories at heat.
28.The temperature falls in a zig – zag manner is called Lysis.
29.Specific dynamic action of mixed diet is 12%.
30.The heat regulation centre is the Hypothalamus.
31.Ovarian ( Progesterone ) hormone produces a rise in the body temperature.
32.In low pyrenia the fever does not rise above 99oF – 100oF.
33.Blood pressure is the force enercted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels as it flows through them.
34.Moderate pyrexia remains between 100oF – 103oF.
35.Stethoscope & feto scope instruments aid in the observation through the sure of hearing.
36.A vital factor in Nursing care is the ability of the nurse to make thought fall intelligent Observation.
37.Thermometer is a special instrument designed to measure the temperature of the body.
38.Rhythm refers to the Regularity of beats.
39.Arrythmias indicates and variation from normal rhythm.
40.Blueness or discoloration of the skin and membrane is called as Cyanosis.
41.A physical regulation by loss at heat is called as Thermolysis.
42.Observation is defined as the Act of faculty of taking notice something.
43.In hyperpyrexia the temperature goes above 105oF.
44.Approximately 300ml of water is also vapourised from the lungs daily.
45.Each gram of water takes up 580 calories at heat.
46.Wool is a bad conductor of heat.
47.When the body temperature is raised 105oF is called Hyperthermia.
48.The temperature falls below 95oF the condition is called Hypothermia.
49.Diagnosis is the determination at the nature and intent of a disease.
50.Blood pressure is lower in Children than in adults.

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