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Electroconvulsive Therapay-ECT

Electroconvulsive Therapay-ECT

ElectroconvulsiveTherapay (ECT) is a procedure in which electric currents are passed through the brain, deliberately triggering a brief seizure. Electroconvulsive therapy seems to cause in brain chemistry that can immediately reverse symptoms of certain mental illnesses. It often works when other treatments are unsucessful.

          Nurses have an important role to deliver when a client is to undergo Electroconvulsive Therapy. Find out what are the responsibilities and activities of the nurse during electroconvulsive therapy.

Emotional and Educational support to the Client & Family

  • Encourage the client to discuss feelings, including myths regarding ECT.
  • Teach the client and the family what to expect with ECT.

Pre treatment Protocol for ECT :

  • Ascertain if the client and the family have received a full explanation, including the option to withdraw the consent at any time.
  • Withhold food and fluids for 6 to 8 hours before treatment.
  • Remove dentures, glassess, contact lenses,  hearing aids, hair pins and etc.
  • Have client void before the treatment.
  • Give preoperative medications as ordered.
    - Atropin : To prevent potential for aspiration and to help minimize brady arrhythmias in response to electrical stimulants. Instead of Atropin Glycopyrrrolate ( Robinul ) can be used.

Nursing Care During Procedure :

  • Place a blood pressure cuff on one of the clients arms.
  • As the intravenous line is inserted and EEC and EEG electrodes are attached, give a brief explanation to the client.
  • Put on the pulse oxymeter to the client's finger.
  • Monitor blood pressure throughout the treatment
  • Medication to be given
    - Short Acting Anesthetic ( Brevital )
    - Muscle relaxant ( Succinylcholine )
    - 100% oxygen by mask via positive pressure.
  • Check if the bite block is placed in prevent biting of the tongue.
  • Electrical stimulus given ( Sezure should last 30-60 sec ).

Post treatment Nursing Care :

  • Have the client go to a properly staffed recovery room
  • Once the client is awake, talk to the client and check the vital signs.
  • Give frequent orientation and reassurance to allay confusion.
  • Check the gag reflex before giving client fluids, medications or breakfast.

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Pregnancy Urine Test

Pregnancy Urine Test

A Pregnanacy Urine Test measures a hormone in the body called human chorionc gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone produced during pregnancy. This hormone can be detected in small amounts in both the urine and the blood of a pregnancy woman as early as 10 days after conception.

Purpose :

Urine HCG tests are a common method of determining if a woman is pregnant. The best time to test for pregnancy is after the woman miss her period.

Equipment :

  • Urine specimen cup.

Preparation :

Allow the patient to wait one to two weeks after her first missed period to get the most accurate results. 

Procedure :

1. Advise the patient to use the test the first time she urinate after waking up. As this urine is the most concentrated. It will contain the highest hCG levels of the day. Urine will become more diluted as the patient drink liquids. So hCG levels may be harder to measure later in the day.

2. Label the specimen cup with the patient's identifying information, complete a laboratory request form requesting an HCG test and send both to the lab.



International Nurses Day organized annually by the International Council of Nurses. Which is held on 12th May every year theme for International Nurses Day 2020 is Nursing the World to Health, focusing on the true value of nurses to the people of the world.


It will be the 200th anniversary of Nightingale's birth, International Nurses President Annette Kennedy said she is expecting 2020 to be a momentous year of the profession.


Telangana Staff Nurse Vacancy Outsourcing Basis April 2020

Telangana Staff Nurse Vacancy Outsourcing Basis April 2020

     Applications are invited from Staff Nurses on Outsourcing basis in Government Hospitals and to work in various Schemes of the Government initially and to work in Various Schemes of the Government initially for a period of one year.

No of Posts : 2157

Last Date : 06-APR-2020

Online Application : Click Here

Detailed Notification : Click Here